We would lose a lot of the conveniences we take for granted today without internet. We would no longer be able to easily communicate with people around the world, do research, or access information. Businesses would struggle without online sales and marketing, and many jobs that require internet access would be lost.

There is definitely life without internet. In fact, there are many parts of the world where people don’t have access to the internet at all. While it’s definitely a useful tool, it’s not necessary for survival.

The internet is important because it allows people to connect with each other and share information. It also allows people to do business online and access a wide range of information.

Without internet, most people would be unable to do their jobs. The internet is used for research, communication, and entertainment.

There are a few ways to survive without internet. One way is to go to a library and use their internet. Another way is to go to a friend’s house and use their internet. Another way is to buy a hotspot.

We wouldn’t have the ability to communicate with people all over the world in an instant, we wouldn’t have access to a seemingly infinite amount of information, and we wouldn’t be able to shop online.

The internet is not necessary, but it is incredibly useful. It allows people to connect with each other all over the world, share information, and do business.

The internet has changed our lives in many ways. It has made it easier to communicate with people around the world, it has made it easier to find information, and it has made it easier to do business.

There are a few possible explanations for this. One possibility is that your WiFi is working but you are not connected to the internet. Another possibility is that there is a problem with your internet connection. You can check to see if you are connected to the internet by opening a web browser and checking to see if you can access any websites. If you cannot access any websites, then there may be a problem with your internet connection.

If your WiFi is connected but you can’t get online, there are a few things you can try:-Restart your device and your router-Make sure you’re using the correct network name and password-If you have a firewall or antivirus software, make sure it’s not blocking your internet connection