There are a few ways to do this. One way is to use a website or app that hosts your podcast and provides a shareable link. Once you have the link, you can simply copy and paste it into Instagram’s web viewer.Another way is to use an app like Overcast or Castro, which allows you to export your podcast clips as videos. These videos will be in the .mov format, and they’ll be about 30 seconds long.

There are a few ways to share a podcast clip. One way is to use a website or app that hosts podcast clips, such as SoundCloud or Audioboom. Another way is to use a social media platform, such as Twitter or Facebook.

Yes, you can post podcasts on Instagram. However, they must be converted to a video format before posting.

To add a podcast link on Instagram stories, first, open the Instagram app and go to the story you want to add the link to. Then, tap the “+” button in the bottom left corner of the screen and select “Podcast Episode”. Next, enter the link to the podcast episode you want to share. Finally, tap “Share” and your story will be added to your followers’ feeds.

To share a podcast on social media, you can use a link to the podcast episode’s page on a site like iTunes or SoundCloud. You can also post a short clip of the podcast episode on your social media page.

To save a podcast clip, you’ll need to use an app that downloads and saves podcasts, like Overcast or Pocket Casts. In the app, find the podcast episode you want to save and select the clip you want to download. Tap the share button, and select the app you want to use to save the clip.

Yes, I can share a portion of a podcast. In this clip, the host is discussing the importance of maintaining a positive outlook in order to be successful.

There are a few social media platforms that work well for podcasts. They are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Each platform has its own benefits and drawbacks.Facebook is great for podcasts because it has a large user base. It also allows users to share podcasts easily with their friends. However, Facebook is not as good for promoting podcasts as other platforms.Twitter is great for promoting podcasts.

There are a few ways to engage with a podcast. You can listen to it on your computer or phone, subscribe to it so you can have new episodes automatically downloaded to your device, or rate and review it on iTunes or another podcast directory. You can also share podcasts with your friends on social media or by email.

There’s no one answer to this question, as podcasts can go viral for a variety of reasons. However, some of the most common ways that podcasts go viral include being featured on iTunes or another major podcast directory, being featured in a major media outlet, or being shared by a well-known influencer or celebrity. Additionally, creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience can help increase your chances of going viral.