In order to skip lines in comments, you can use the /* and */ symbols to denote the beginning and end of a comment block.

To insert a line on Facebook, type “//” at the beginning of the line.

To space down on Facebook comments, hold down the “Shift” key and use the arrow keys to move the cursor down.

To post paragraphs on Facebook, you can use the “Paragraph” feature. This will allow you to type your paragraph in one go, and it will be posted as a single unit.

To put a line in a comment on Facebook, you can use the “enter” key on your keyboard.

A line on Facebook is a way to indicate that you have read a message but have not yet responded. It’s a way to avoid having messages pile up in your inbox.

To skip lines in comments, use the /* and */ symbols to mark the beginning and end of the comment block.

There are a few ways to do this. One is to delete the post before you hit “return.” Another is to use the “back” button on your browser.

To create a paragraph in a Facebook post, you can use the “enter” key to create a new line. This will create a new paragraph for your post.

To post a paragraph on Facebook, you can use the “Paragraph” feature. This will create a separate post that will be displayed as a block of text, rather than as a series of lines. To use this feature, type your paragraph in the “What’s on your mind?” box, and then click on the “Paragraph” button.