There is no definitive answer to this question. Some users recommend reporting spam comments as soon as you see them, while others suggest blocking and reporting the users who are leaving the spam comments.

There are a few reasons why you might be getting spam comments on Instagram. One possibility is that you have inadvertently given permission for a third-party app to post comments on your behalf. To avoid this, make sure you only allow apps that you trust to access your account.Another possibility is that someone has hacked your account and is using it to spam other users.

There are a few ways to stop spam bots on Instagram. One way is to use a third-party app like InstaProtect, which blocks spam comments and followers. You can also set your account to private so that only people you approve can follow you. Finally, you can go into your settings and change your account name to something that isn’t associated with your name or email address.

Yes, Instagram does delete spam comments. Comments that are considered spammy may be deleted by Instagram’s automated spam filter or by a human moderator.

Yes, it is generally OK to delete spam comments on Instagram. However, you should avoid deleting comments that do not actually spam, as this could lead to negative feedback from other users.

Yes, you should delete spam comments. They are annoying and often irrelevant to the conversation.

Spam comments are comments that are posted on blogs, websites, or social media platforms for the primary purpose of promoting a product or service. They are often low quality and can be identified by their use of excessive keywords, poor grammar, and/or links to external websites.

No, brands should not delete negative comments. Deleting negative comments only serves to make the brand look guilty and can make the situation worse. Instead, brands should respond to negative comments in a polite and professional manner, acknowledging the customer’s concerns and trying to find a resolution. This will show customers that the brand cares about its customers and is willing to listen to feedback.

There are a few ways to stop spam comments. One way is to use a plugin like Akismet, which automatically filters out spam comments. Another way is to require commenters to enter a captcha code before submitting their comment. This will prevent bots from spamming your blog.

There are many reasons why people might post spam comments. Some people might do it to try and get traffic to their website or blog. Others might do it to try and sell a product or service. And some people might do it just to be mean or disruptive.