But suppose you’ve made your way into a profile that’s not yours.

How to switch Hulu profiles on Vizio TV?

To exit one profile for another, you will need to head over to the Profiles navigator through a given profile’s Account icon. Once you find the Profiles tab, you should be able to choose the correct profile, or whichever profile you were looking for.

How Do You Find the “Profile” Tab?

Hulu is very easy to navigate with a TV, and the process to switching between profiles is straightforward:

Scroll up to personal tabs at the top of your screen and select the Account icon. With a Vizio 800 TV, you can find the Account icon in the top right corner—it’s the only circular application.

Selecting the Account icon will take you to a menu with a list of management options. Select Profiles from this menu ( “Profiles” will be the first option).

Existing profiles will appear as a list of names. Scroll to the profile you’re looking for, and select it to access it. Note that some profiles may be PIN-protected, so make sure you know your passcode.

Note that these instructions are for Vizio televisions, but apply to any television set.

What are Profiles For?

Profiles are personal, one-of-a-kind account spaces that track what you’ve watched and suggest movies and TV shows for you based on your own interests and data. Your profile gathers data about your activity only, unaffected by what other account users have watched. The Like and Dislike functions can also help you personalize content for you based on content you’ve enjoyed. 

In addition, profiles can be further customized with PIN protection and Kids’ settings.

What is a PIN Profile?

PIN profiles are spaces that can only be accessed through a numerical passcode. PIN protection was designed as a parental control to keep adult content accessible to mature viewers only, but can serve just as well to keep your viewing history private. In order to set up a PIN profile or set an existing profile with PIN protection, select Manage Profiles under the Profile tab, then select Turn on PIN Protection. You can also turn off PIN protection and change your PIN number through Manage Profiles.

What is a Kid’s Profile?

This is a profile that restricts viewers to the Kids’ Hub, a curated library of child-appropriate content. When creating a new profile, you have the option to enact child protection by selecting ON to set it as a Kid’s profile. If you change your mind or the profile owner outgrows child-only content, you can go back to the Manage Profiles menu and set the switch to OFF.


There are quite a lot of options for numbers and types of profiles with your Hulu account. At the same time, it’s very easy to select profiles and navigate in between them. Once you know how to access the Account page, you are free to select, edit, and personalize your own Hulu experience.

Do I Start Out with Profiles?

When you sign up for a Hulu account, you are automatically assigned a primary portfolio that you can edit and personalize as you see fit. You can create up to five additional profiles (Hulu accounts can have up to six in total).

How Do I Create Profiles?

Under the existing list of profiles under the Profile tab, you will see the option (+) New Profile. In order to create a new one, just click this icon to get started.

The first time you enter a new profile, Hulu will offer a customization process to let you specify your preferred shows, genres, directors, and more. This process is skippable, but it may take the algorithm some time to learn about your interests if you choose not to personalize your profile right away.

How Do I Delete Profiles?

Go to the name of the profile under the Accounts page and select Manage Profiles. Then, select the profile you want to delete. In the pop-up Edit Profile tab, select Delete Profile. This will take you to a confirmation pop-up, and the profile will be deleted. 

As a reminder: deleted profiles permanently erase viewing history, data, and personal customization. Profiles that have been deleted cannot be restored.

If you want to delete all your profiles at once, go to your Accounts page, and select Privacy and Settings. Go into California Privacy Rights and select Manage Activity, where you will be given a Profiles option. Select Profiles, and then the tab to Clear Selected. 

Keep in mind that the primary profile cannot be removed, but it can be edited.