The Galaxy S7 is not old, but it is no longer the newest model on the market. It is still a very good phone, and many people choose it over newer models.

The Samsung S7 is worth around $300 today. The phone has a 5.1 inch screen, a 12 megapixel camera, and 4GB of RAM. It was released in 2016 and has since been discontinued.

There has been no announcement from Samsung that the Galaxy S7 has been discontinued. However, it is possible that the phone has been phased out in favor of newer models, such as the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S9.

There is no simple answer to this question, as it depends on personal preferences. Some people may prefer the design of the iPhone 6s, while others may prefer the features offered by the Samsung S7.

There is no clear consensus on whether the Galaxy S7 or S8 is better. Some people prefer the S7 because it has a more traditional design, while others prefer the S8 because of its larger screen and updated features. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.

The S7 is likely to last for around three years. Samsung tends to release a new model every two to three years, so the S7 will likely be phased out within the next year or so.

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is not advertised as being waterproof, but many users have found that it does in fact function well when submerged in water. There have been a few reports of the device malfunctioning after getting wet, so caution should still be taken.

The Samsung S7 edge was released in March of 2016. It is just over two years old.

The Galaxy S7 edge is currently worth around $500 on the resale market. This price may change depending on the availability of the phone and other factors.

Samsung has discontinued support for a number of older phones, including the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy Note 4, and Galaxy Note 5. If you’re using one of these devices, it’s important to upgrade to a newer model to ensure you have access to the latest security updates and features.

If you’re looking for an upgrade, the S8 or S9 are good options. If you’re on a budget, the S6 or S7 are still great phones.